Fools is a comic fable by Neil Simon, set in the small village of Kulyenchikov, Ukraine (Russian Territory), during the late 19th century. The story follows Leon Steponovich Tolchinsky, a schoolteacher who takes a new job educating Sophia, the daughter of Doctor Zubritsky and his wife, Lenya. Leon soon learns that there is a curse on the village that makes everyone stupid, but complications ensue when Leon falls in love with his pupil.
Leon Tolchinsky – Nick Youngblood
Sophia Zubritsky – Chelsea Seitz
Gregor Yousekevitch – Chris Cox
Doctor Zubritsky – Mark Wyatt
Lenya Zubritsky – E.A. Keeble
Snetsky The Shepherd – Maslin Brown
Mishkin The Postman – Don Bloom
Slovinya The Butcher – Nedra Bloom
Yenchna The Vendor – Kim McKenzie
The Magistrate – Steve Alsip