High School Musical on Stage!

Book by David Simpatico
Music adapted, arranged, and produced by Bryan Louiselle

Directed by Hannah Rhodes
Musical direction by Katelyn Karcher
Choreography by Anna Breland

Show Dates

  • September 12–22, 2024

    • Thursday, Friday, and Saturday – 7:30 p.m.
    • Sunday matinee – 2:30 p.m.


  • Thursday, June 27, 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday, June 28, 6:30 p.m.

If you are unable to attend the auditions at the dates and times listed above, please email the stage director  no later than Monday, June 24, to arrange another time.

Age Requirements

  • Anyone 14 years of age and up can audition for the production.


  • Auditions are open call, no advance registration required. All auditionees should be prepared to sing a 16-32 bar cut of a song in the style of the show.
  • PLEASE DO NOT SING A SONG FROM THE SHOW (or the movies or the TV show).
  • An accompanist will be available; please bring your sheet music.
  • If you need a track, please bring your own speaker. Singing with an accompanist is preferred.


  • There will be a dance call that takes place after music auditions.
  • Bring shoes and clothes you are comfortable to dance in. There are restrooms to change into after you are done with your audition song.
  • While there will be a time where we will stretch together, please ensure to stretch out your muscles before we begin.
  • If you are unable to dance due to accessibility restrictions, please email hannahagaperhodes@gmail.com. Remember: some roles require a lot of dancing, some with a lot, some with none.


  • You may be asked to read cold from the script.


  • Virtual OR in-person callbacks may be held at the discretion of the production team. If you are needed for a callback, you will be notified via email.

Other Information

  • Please print out, fill out, and bring your audition form (link on the left side of this page) with you to auditions.
  • If you have a resume and headshot, it would be welcomed.
  • All casting notifications will be done via email.
  • The role of Ms. Darbus has already been cast. Please keep this in mind as you walk into auditions.

For questions or more information please contact the Stage Director, Hannah Rhodes: hannahagaperhodes@gmail.com 

A Note from the Director 

I am so thrilled you are taking a look through the High School Musical on Stage!  audition packet. As a child of the ‘00’s, I am living out my dream to direct this on the CCT stage. I can’t wait to meet all the auditionees and start building an amazing show together.

As you read through this packet, I hope that it gives clarity and answers any questions that you may have about the show and/or the audition process.  As a performer myself, I know how nerve-wracking auditions can be. This packet is meant to ease your nerves as much as possible and give you as much information as possible to set YOU up for success.

The ideal cast member for High School Musical on Stage!  is not only someone who is talented, but is someone who is also hard-working, positive, focused, and ready to work with a team. Do your best, take risks, and HAVE SO MUCH FUN.

I cannot wait to meet you, talented people!

If you have ANY questions prior to or during the auditions, please(!) make sure you shoot me an email: hannahagaperhodes@gmail.com.

Hannah Rhodes, Stage Director

Just a Few More Notes

  • Audition forms are available online (see the link on the left side of this page) and will also be available at the audition.
  • A tentative rehearsal schedule will be on display at
  • All conflicts must be presented during your auditions. We understand that conflicts can arise, unexpectedly, but we ask that cast members try to avoid conflicts and give priority to rehearsals.
  • Casting notification will occur no later than Friday, July 5th.
  • Some extra music rehearsals may be called for principal roles. Should you be cast, you will be contacted by the music director for your availability and scheduling.
  • Note: some rehearsals may take place at a location other than CCT. In that case, it will be posted on the schedule and the cast will know ahead of time.
  • Rehearsals will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Some Saturday and Sunday afternoon rehearsals will be held 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Friday rehearsals MAY be scheduled with ample notice. We hope to have a cast meeting on Saturday, July 13.

Communication will be done through email and Facebook groups. Please list a valid email clearly on the audition form.

Production Team (So Far!)

  • Director – Hannah Rhodes
  • Stage Manager – Jenna McKnight
  • Music Director – Katelyn Karcher
  • Rehearsal Accompanist/Show Pianist – Rebecca Reed
  • Band Leader – Dawson Rhodes
  • Choreographer – Anna Breland
  • Assistant Director – Adrian Eves
  • Costumer – Malinda Powers

Character Breakdown

*in order of appearance

Troy Bolton (B3-B5)

The most popular kid at East High, he is the star of the basketball team who yearns to be more than what people want him to be. Troy discovers his love for music but refuses to admit it. Athletic, attractive, and a true leader. He becomes smitten with Gabriella.

Chad Danforth (A3-B5)

Troy’s best friend. A star basketball player, part of the jocks, and second in command. Extremely focused on winning his school’s basketball championship, but is slowly understanding that there might be more to this world, including his sparring crush on Taylor.

Zeke Baylor (B3-G5)

A basketball player on the Wildcats Team. Energetic and charismatic. He has two secrets: a crush on Sharpay and a love for baking, which he is happy and relieved to eventually reveal.

Sharpay Evans (A3-F5)

The egocentric diva star of the school musicals, she is Ryan’s older twin and the alpha dog. She thinks being the musical star defines her and clutches the title like her life depends on it, no matter what the cost to others.

Ryan Evans (B3-B3)

Sharpay’s fraternal twin and a self-delusional ‘star in the making.’ He typically feels the brunt of Sharpay’s attacks and lives under her shadow. Although he possesses a diva exterior, he yearns to change.

Gabriella Montez (F3-E5)

The new girl in school. She is trying to blend in and avoid ‘labels’ at her new school. Eventually becomes Troy’s romantic counterpart. Pretty, shy, and smart.

Taylor Mckessie (G3-C5)

The competitive head Brainiac of the school and President of the Science Club. She convinces Gabriella to join the Science Decathlon team. Taylor has a hidden soft spot for Chad, which she hides.

Jack Scott (B3-G5)

The resident P.A. Announcer for the high school. He is shy and insecure in front of the rest of the kids, but smooth and confident at the mic. Known as the “Velvet Fog of East High.”

Kelsi Nielsen (A3-D5)

The drama club’s rehearsal pianist and student composer extraordinaire who is having her musical produced at school. Underneath her shy demeanor, Kelsi is an outspoken firecracker.

Ms. Darbus (Non-singing)

The role of Ms. Darbus has already been cast.

The kooky, eccentric Drama Club teacher. She has her self-absorbed moments but is still devoted to her students and constantly encourages them. Passionate about the art of theatre.

Coach Bolton (Non-singing)

The stern basketball coach and Troy’s dad. He lost the big game years ago and wants his son to succeed where he failed. Blinded by his ambition for his son, he is still a good guy and proud father.


Jocks, Thespians, Skaters,, Cheerleaders, Party Kids, Adults, Brainiacs, Spectators


Act One

On the front steps of East High, it’s the first day after winter break. Troy, the captain of the basketball team, greets his teammates. Gabriella, the shy, smart, new girl meets the rest of the brainiacs, who welcome her to their fold (“Wildcat Cheer”). The Jocks, Brainiacs, Thespians and Skater Dudes find their cliques. Troy and Gabriella each describe their winter adventures to their respective friend groups, not realizing that the other is nearby. They met at a ski lodge and ended up performing a karaoke number together. It was like a romantic dream. Their excitement leads the other kids to start talking about their own New Year’s resolutions (“Start of Something New”).

In Ms. Darbus’ homeroom, Troy spots Gabriella and realizes that she has just transferred to East High. When he calls her to get her attention, the eccentric drama teacher quickly confiscates all cell phones and assigns detention. Gabriella and Troy can’t believe that they have ended up in the same school.

Between classes, Gabriella and Troy look at the audition sign-up for the school musical. They are nervous about signing up, but remember the good times they had at karaoke. The drama diva, Sharpay, drops by and discourages Gabriella from auditioning. She is interested in both the lead part… and Troy… for herself. The incident with Sharpay and Gabriella has made Troy late for basketball practice. He is also distracted by thoughts of Gabriella and the musical. The coach, Troy’s father, is not pleased; neither are Troy’s best friend Chad and the rest of his teammates. They tell Troy that he has to focus on the upcoming championship game (“Get’cha Head in the Game”).

In math class, Sharpay tries to dampen Gabriella’s interest in Troy. Meanwhile, Gabriella gets a question right that the teacher had wrong. Taylor, the science club president, encourages Gabriella to join the science decathlon team. There is a big meet coming up, and Taylor knows that they can with Gabriella’s help. Gabriella is uncertain for the same reason that she was uncertain about auditioning: she wants to get acclimated to her new school before joining activities. Sharpay, however, has other plans – she plants information in Taylor’s locker that proves Gabriella is a genius.

In detention, Ms. Darbus gives the students an acting lesson. Coach Bolton interrupts; he is furious with her for keeping his team from practice. They face-off in a classic debate – arts versus sports.

The next day, hopeful Thespians strut their stuff for Ms. Darbus (“Auditions”). The other auditioners are no match for Sharpay and twin brother, Ryan, but despite their obvious talent, this team lacks soul (“What I’ve Been Looking For”). Troy and Gabriella arrive too late to audition, but Kelsi, the show’s composer, plays the song the way she had intended for it to be sung, as opposed to the version Ryan and Sharpay performed. She encourages Troy and Gabriella to sing it the right way, and they do (“What I’ve Been Looking For – Reprise”). Ms. Darbus overhears and gives them a callback. News of Troy and Gabriella’s audition spreads fast (“Cellular Fusion”). Sharpay is furious… and she’s not the only one.

In the lunchroom, the Jocks and Braniacs try to explain to Troy and Gabriella, respectively, why they should not venture outside of what they know and what they are good at. They disagree, encouraging other students in other cliques to reveal their secret – and sometimes contradictory – interests. (“Stick to the Status Quo”). Zeke’s interest is baking, and he tries to impress Sharpay with a cake… but it ends up falling on her head.

Act Two

Troy and Gabriella escape to the rooftop garden and share a little bit about their real selves; they are quickly falling for each other (“I Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You”). Gabriella wishes that high school could be more like kindergarten – that people could be friends based on who they are, not on what they can do. Zeke tries to apologize to Sharpay; he offers to bake her something else, but she’ll have none of it. Meanwhile, the Jocks and Brainiacs devise a plan to trick Troy and Gabriella into forgetting about the musical and committing to their respective competitions. Sharpay plans to lie to Ms. Darbus and say that Troy is only auditioning to sabotage the musical. The cheerleaders practice in the gym (“Wildcat Cheer – Reprise”).

Gabriella sees Troy practicing basketball drills. Coach Bolton interrupts them and has Gabriella leave. He tells Troy that his team is counting on him and discourages him from distractions like Gabriella and the play. Troy is not pleased with this sentiment.

The lights come up on Troy and Gabriella, each coming in late to practice. Citing examples of famous athletes and brainiacs, their respective teammates tell them they need to focus on what’s important: basketball and science decathlon, not singing (“Counting on You”). Then, the Jocks and Braniacs enact their plan, which involves a secret phone call that makes it seem as if Troy is dismissing Gabriella and the callback. She dismisses him in return. Both Troy and Gabriella are crushed. Their teammates immediately regret having caused them so much pain (“When There Was Me and You”).

Later, Ryan tells Sharpay that she needs to calm down and stop sabotaging Troy and Gabriella; it’s not the end of the world if they don’t get the leads. Sharpay disagrees. She believes that she is defined by her success as an actress and doesn’t know who she is without it. Meanwhile, Gabriella and Troy make up and practice with Kelsi to get ready for the callback (“Something New – Reprise”). However, believing Sharpay’s lie that Troy is trying to sabotage the audition, Ms. Darbus decides that he will need to prove he really wants it. She schedules the callback at the same time as the championship game and the decathlon. Chad and Taylor come up with a plan that will allow Troy and Gabriella to do both the competitions and the callback (“We’re All in This Together”).

While the Jocks and Brainiacs compete, Sharpay and Ryan pull off a polished callback performance (“Bop to the Top”). When Taylor’s laptop shuts down the electricity, Troy and Gabriella rush to the theatre… but they arrive too late. Still, when the East High students from all of the different cliques show up to rally behind them, Ms. Darbus is moved and pleased by the attention the theatre department is getting. Ryan tells her that Sharpay lied about Troy trying to sabotage auditions. Kelsi stands up to Sharpay, as well, and demands to play for their audition. They deliver on the callback, and Ms. Darbus gives them the lead roles (“Breaking Free”).

Back at the gym, the Wildcats win the game and the Brainiacs win the science decathlon. Coach Bolton is impressed by Troy’s singing and encourages him to do whatever he wants. He and Ms. Darbus make up; Sharpay and Gabriella also reconcile when Sharpay realizes that Zeke likes her for her, not because she’s a star. The whole school comes together as winners, and Troy points out to Gabriella that it is just like kindergarten – everyone is getting along based on who they are, not because of what they do (“We’re All in This Together – Reprise ”).